Monty’s Modular Courses

As part of a reorganisation/Streamlining of how all global Instructors teach Monty’s Courses, as well as adding more practical content, so that students receive a much more in-depth understanding and experience of Monty’s methods, the New Modular Option 2025 has been launched.

Whilst all the modules listed I have taught in that format in the past, there has been a global “rebrand” of the modular titles as well as the addition of an extra module (Module 5) which myself and the other senior instructors felt needed to be emphasised more fully to students who are undertaking their Monty Roberts Certification process….

For those thinking of undertaking your Monty Roberts Introductory Certificate… This new Modular route, or the intensive full course is now the only valid route of study globally. The only people licensed and qualified to teach these courses are his Instructors. This and more information on the new courses and further study can be found on Monty’s Website



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