Intro Exams

On successfully reaching the standard required, from assessment of video work from your Homestudy  you will be invited to undertake your Introductory level exams.

Currently these consist of 2 written exams and 2 practical exams. Chris & another Monty Roberts Instructor will mark and evaluate your work. Successful graduates will obtain the “Monty Roberts’ Introductory Certificate of Horsemanship” which is the only certificate available in Monty’s methods outside of the US. Successfully obtaining the qualification enables you to further your studies at Monty’s Home, Flag Is Up Farms in California by taking the  Advanced Course which the next step if you wish to become an Instructor. Exams can be completed in 1 intensive 2 day block or spread over separate sessions


2024 dates on request basis.. please Contact Us to arrange dates

Current cost of undertaking the 2 day Monty Roberts Introductory exams is £550

exams must be completed within 1 year of exam fee payment 

Please make payment below & Chris will be in touch to confirm